Some of the ways people can be hurt include:
Determining hotel or casino liability after an injury can be extremely difficult and the legal challenges can be complex. Our firm has the experience and legal knowledge needed to help you successfully resolve your case.
We don't back down
Hotels and casinos are owned by massive corporations that employ high-powered attorneys and risk management teams who often fight paying fair compensation on legitimate injury claims. If you have been injured, the hotel or casino may offer you a lowball settlement. Do not accept any settlement from a casino until you have talked to an attorney. Your damages probably exceed the amount they are offering.

Our legal team gathers the evidence necessary to put pressure on the hotel or casino to do what's right. Al won't put up with bullying by employees, risk management departments or attorneys to settle if their offer does not meet your needs. He will push forward with your case until they agree to negotiate a fair settlement.
There is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to hotel and casino liability cases. But we can promise you personal attention and an aggressive pursuit of the maximum compensation possible. If necessary, we will fight for you in court. Al is a skilled litigator and has won many significant awards for clients.
If you were injured at a hotel or casino, call us at 702-625-8777 for a free consultation. Al will review the details of your case and go over all your legal options.
Hotel room accidents
If hotel management is negligent, visitors can be injured in their own rooms. Management has a responsibility to ensure there are no hazards in their rooms. Furniture should be stable. Carpeting should not be loose. Floors should be even. Water temperatures should not be too hot. The room should be free of bedbugs. If management was aware of problems but did nothing to correct them, they could be held liable for any injuries that occurred as a result.
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Chair injuries
Las Vegas is famous for its many gaming, entertainment and dining options. There are countless chairs at gaming tables, restaurants, stadiums and arenas that see heavy use. Hotels and casinos must maintain these chairs and replace them when they are no longer safe. Failure to do so can result in a chair collapsing and a person falling to the floor. Injuries typically seen in these types of accidents include injuries to the back, neck, head, hips and hands.
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Food poisoning
Hotels and casinos in Las Vegas are famous for their restaurants and buffets. But they are responsible for ensuring that proper food preparation and storage procedures are always followed. Failure to meet this responsibility can result in contamination with bacteria that can make people very ill. Two of the more serious types of food poisoning are salmonella and E. coli. Food poisoning can require hospitalization and in some cases can be fatal.
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Elevator or escalator accident
Las Vegas has many tall buildings, each with elevators and often escalators to transport people between floors. When these devices work properly, we don't think twice about them. But when elevators and escalators malfunction and stop suddenly, people on them can be thrown to the ground and suffer serious injuries. Hotel and casino owners, manufacturers and maintenance companies are all responsible for ensuring that elevators and escalators operate safely.
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Ground transportation accident
Hotels and casinos in Las Vegas often provide ground transportation for guests. There are shuttles, buses and even limousines available to bring people to different locations in the city. But when any of these vehicles get into an accident, passengers can be seriously injured. More severe injuries can include traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries. The negligence of hotels and casinos, drivers and even manufacturers may have been responsible for the crash.
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